Gambelia wislizenii

Gambelia wislizenii, the longnose leopard lizard



Taxonomy: Tetrapoda: Amniota: Squamata: Reptilia: Iguania: Iguanidae: Phrynosomatinae



Photo by G. Nafis, taken from


Identification:The leopard lizard is a fairly large species (up to 384 mm total length; Nussbaum et al. 1983) with a distinct, robust head. It is covered in tiny, granular scales, so that its skin feels smooth to the touch. Lizards have fairly long legs and a long tail. Females are larger than males. Coloration is light grey with darker spots on the dorsal surface. Females will develop orange spots on their sides and tail when gravid.




Distribution in Idaho:








Scientific study:



Nussbaum, R.A., E.D. Brodie, and R.M. Storm.  1983.  Amphibians and Reptiles of the Pacific Northwest.  University of Idaho Press, Moscow, Idaho, USA.


Created by Luke J. Harmon